Get PHIT #America , The PHIT Act

I usually never discuss politics on my Athletic Forums. Let’s face it,  politics and everyone’s personal view could bring out some strong feelings. There is nothing wrong with owning your opinion but sometimes folks go over board and an ugly side could come out.

But, this time I’m happy to talk about Politics. Why, because of the PHIT Act. What? You haven’t heard about the PHIT Act, The Personal Health Investment Today Act (H.R. 956). Look, I’m not going to get into Health Care wars or who should pay for what.  I am going to discuss Health and Wellness and the fact that we as citizens need to take pro active steps towards a Healthy Life Style for ourselves, our kids and fellow Americans.


First some background Information:

The PHIT Act (H.R. 956), currently pending legislation in Congress, was introduced in 2009 by Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) and currently has bi-partisan support. The PHIT Act is legislation that would allow for reimbursement of Physical activity expenses using pre-tax dollars.  In essence, the PHIT Act expands the definition of a medical expense to include qualified physical activities as a form of prevention.  Your contributions to existing pre-tax Medical, Flexible Spending, and reimbursement accounts could be used to pay for physical activity expenses.  Contributions would not increase existing caps on pre tax accounts and contributions are limited to $1,000 for individuals and $2,000 for families annually.

So What does PHIT Cover:

  • Youth Camp and Physical activity fees
  • Membership and dues in a health club
  • Exercise/fitness classes or instruction (personal trainers)
  • Sport league fees (Adult and Youth)
  • Marathon/Triathlon registration fees
  • Sports and Fitness equipment used exclusively for participation in physical exercise/activities

Now, we all hear the excuses Triathlons and Marathon entries are so expensive. Gym Memberships and fitness equipment are expensive. Well guess What..with the PHIT Act YOU now have a chance to stop making excuses and start taking steps towards a healthy life style.

America, Get off the couch, drop the dumb excuses and get PHIT! Reach out to your local leaders and have them help pass the PHIT Act.

To our leaders in Washington, What are you doing to help America get PHIT?


Long Weekends are for… #ConfessionsofanAthlete

I just love long weekends. It’s a great time to take a break from the hustle and relax. In my case I relaxed by getting in some good quality time at the gym.  Here’s a quick recap of my long weekend:


Saturday kicked off with a 10 mile bike ride followed up by 6.65 mile run in honor of Meg Cross Menzies. Meg was tragically killed by a drunk driver and runners and non runners from across the country dedicated their run/walk/bike to Meg’s memory and family.

Sunday, was a bit crazy.  My legs were dying from Saturday’s training session but I got back out there for 7.1 miles at a comfy and consistent 7:30ish pace.  I was so tired but some how I kept going. I’m crediting my biking for having more endurance. My legs feel tired but have not had that led feeling yet.  Hmm..I wonder?

I followed up my running with some strength training. Here’s where things get crazy…. My bodybuilding friends are always giving me grief for my skinny legs. So after some upper body stuff I threw down some squats. Shut those guys up by squating 4.5 times my body weight x 10 reps. 7 plates (45lb plate) on each side (initial lift started with 180lbs).


On Monday, my legs were fried.  I hit the treadmill for an easy 3.3 mile recovery run and then I hit the pool.  I swam a mile and took my time.  I have no idea how long it took me….honestly I don’t.  The focus was on form and getting in a full mile.  It was nice to chill and the water helped my body relax.

That was the weekend..hope ya’ll had a great three day weekend as well.

See ya on roads.

Surrender #Confessionsofanathlete


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Moments after crossing the finish line I realized I had failed. You work, and work and work. You put in a 100% and you still can’t get the results you want. To get through that next level..You need to go … Continue reading

I can’t fight this feeling… #confessionofanathlete


I keep fighting this feeling. Maybe it’s time to stop fighting and start kicking some ass. First #triathlon in February and then it’s time…it’s SHOW TIME!

I’m working on my schedule and the plan is to work, show up and get the job done. Period!!!


The fear of the unknown… #confessionsofanathlete


This gallery contains 1 photo.

            While on the west coast I had an opportunity to reflect on the past and ponder about the future. Having a chance to breath and relax I was finally able to 1) organize my … Continue reading

Yogis shafted by Romeoville LIfe Time Fitness

Yogi’s take on Romeoville Life Time Fitness Management….an open letter:

images VS Unknown

Dear Heather,

I was disappointed to hear that you are canceling the Thursday night yoga classes at 8:00pm.  I would like to ask you to please, please reconsider.  Nadja’s class is by far the best yoga class you have on the schedule.  It is unique and offers a different experience compared to the usual vinyasa classes.  The regular attendees of the class can attest to how much this class contributes to their fitness routine as well as their ability to get a good night’s sleep.  It is a fantastic option for those of us that due to work and family commitments can’t make it to the gym until 8:00 at night, and/or do not want to do a cardio class at 8:00 pm.

I understand that Life Time is in the business of making money and that you do not want to have under-attended classes but I think that if you helped Nadja promote the class we would see more attendees.  Canceling at this time seems a bit premature to both Nadja and those of those that regularly attend as she has only had the class for a short time, of which there were many classes that were canceled by Life Time (e.g. Halloween, Thanksgiving).  Surely Life Time is not losing that much money with just one yoga class.
We have been members of Life Time for 2.5 years and in that time we have watched the yoga program grow.  It would be a shame to lose a great class and a great instructor just due to lack of marketing of the class.  I work out at other Life Time gyms and they offer and promote many different types of yoga, so I don’t understand why our home gym in Romeoville is not doing the same?
Since tomorrow night is our last night I would like to invite you to join us so that you can experience for yourself the gap that would be created by canceling the class.  Again I respectfully ask that you reconsider canceling this class as it is a meaningful part of our fitness program.

Kind Regards,

Thursday Night Yogi’s

As Life Time Fitness prepares for it’s New Years Commitment Day Campaign, I ask you LTF what’s your commitment for Yogi’s? What say you?