Long Weekends are for… #ConfessionsofanAthlete

I just love long weekends. It’s a great time to take a break from the hustle and relax. In my case I relaxed by getting in some good quality time at the gym.  Here’s a quick recap of my long weekend:


Saturday kicked off with a 10 mile bike ride followed up by 6.65 mile run in honor of Meg Cross Menzies. Meg was tragically killed by a drunk driver and runners and non runners from across the country dedicated their run/walk/bike to Meg’s memory and family.

Sunday, was a bit crazy.  My legs were dying from Saturday’s training session but I got back out there for 7.1 miles at a comfy and consistent 7:30ish pace.  I was so tired but some how I kept going. I’m crediting my biking for having more endurance. My legs feel tired but have not had that led feeling yet.  Hmm..I wonder?

I followed up my running with some strength training. Here’s where things get crazy…. My bodybuilding friends are always giving me grief for my skinny legs. So after some upper body stuff I threw down some squats. Shut those guys up by squating 4.5 times my body weight x 10 reps. 7 plates (45lb plate) on each side (initial lift started with 180lbs).


On Monday, my legs were fried.  I hit the treadmill for an easy 3.3 mile recovery run and then I hit the pool.  I swam a mile and took my time.  I have no idea how long it took me….honestly I don’t.  The focus was on form and getting in a full mile.  It was nice to chill and the water helped my body relax.

That was the weekend..hope ya’ll had a great three day weekend as well.

See ya on roads.

This is where it begins

Greatness is found by doing the little things. Greatness is found by not being afraid to fail. Folks I’ve been to hell. I’ve seen the darkness and I’ve been knocked down. Greatness is found by doing the little things. Like getting your ass off that floor. Crawling out of the black hole and finding a way to reach your destination.

Whatever your goal take that fear and transform it into positive energy. Where does your road begin?

The Search… #Confessionsofanathlete


This gallery contains 1 photo.

We are always in search of perfection. We are always trying to find time to heal. We are always trying to find that elusive 5 legged sheep. You know what? Stop! Look in the mirror and embrace who you are…a … Continue reading